a gentle reminder

Mart 10, 2007



kendi kendine gelin guvey olmak diye bir deyisimiz var ya,
iste fark ettim ki, kendi kendine gelin guvey olabilen insanlar hakatten var. yani boyle hem gelin hem guvey kiligina girmiyorlar tabii ki. bir ego kabarmasi var ama. sahi, meslek dilinde buna "ego kabarmasi" diyoruz. gecmis olsun falan diliyoruz da, kronik oluyor bu vakalarin cogu.

neyse, turkce deyislerimizi daha bir sevdim sonra.

for those who doesn't speak turkish but are really curious of what i am saying:

i still cannot understand how tom cruise ate placenta. i think that is totally gross. i have no idea why people do such things. and i also hate bush. i hope he dies soon. i want to be the new president. i really like eating cheese and shopping. i am a stumbleupon user and i think i am addicted to it. thanks for taking the time for reading this. ok you can go now.

uhm, so, I stumbled to your website and think you are totally cool.

ingilizce bilmeyenlere çeviri: hayranınım aplaaaa.
what a lovely blog.

egonun kabarması ya da argo tabiriyle ... kalkması (ki argo tabiri bu durum için muazzam oluyor bir insanın kaçınması gereken durumlar arasında ikinci sırada yer alıyor.
hahaha geberecem gulmekten. birisi gaza gelmis.

dear anonymous. i don't care what cruise or any other scientology freak does. they can be cannibals as well. i dont fucking care.
it is not even the direct translation of the text that i wrote first. its aim was to make fun of people who brings up that "placenta" subject anytime they have the chance.

i would not also mind saying that you are one of those people who believes any "comment done to take shit at the tabs". i feel sorry that you didn't get the joke there.

anyways. i kiss you.
i called Tom and asked him about whether he ate placenta or not, he said yes i ate and it was nice and he invited me to eat his baby but im a vegeterian, its healthier. for those who doesnt speak english: ne acaip ya gelin güvey olunmuş beklemezdim yani cukdiye (bir kız ismi olabilir bu) oturmuş. acaba lenore bizi kandırıyor mu hmm hmm (acaba anonymous lenore mi acaba bize gösterilen lenore ve anonymousun farklı kişiler olmaları fakat '' brainwashed by the tabloids '' olmayalım şüphe edelim, türkçesi gelin güvey diye başlayan bir yazıda oluyor bunlar)

not: parantez içleri sadece bana aittir, okuyanın okuduğunu belli etmesi durumu kişilik haklarıma saygısızlık olarak kabul edilecektir.
english part of the previous post is totally fictional and the türkçe bölüm is bayaa prnoyak
ahahha 2. anonim, senin kicini tekmeleyecegimi soylemistim (kendisi masasandalye.blogspot.com'da ikamet eder.)

yes. that was a pretty smart point. but c'mon. i cannot be that subtle.

dear anonymous, again. let me translate you what the other anonymous wrote in dutch. it was such a wierd coincidence that in my blog, i was kinda talking about people who take offense too easily, or take everything too personally when the thing is not even about them at all.

so, your "extremely friendly" comment actually served as a great example.

by the way, global warming sucks.
postu okuduumda yarıldım.. ama görünen o ki asıl bomba burdaymış! hehaha!!!

gelin güveye ek olarak belirtmek lazım: iti an çomagı hazırla die de bi söz vardır dagarcımızda.

her ikisine de örnek teşkil etmesi açısından yararlı buldum. tebrikler!

dear anonymous, thanks for participating our case study. we see no harm in telling that our very hypothesis are now:
tested & approved!
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